If you’re looking for a Portsmouth car dealership then you need to consider what kind of car you’re looking for and how much you’re willing to spend. The first and most important choice in choosing the right Portsmouth car dealership is new or second hand, exclusively second hand dealers will have a wide range of cars available, but if you are looking for a specific car then choosing a specialist Portsmouth car dealership may give a greater chance of finding the car you want.After that, consider makes, models and ages, and see if any Portsmouth car dealership specialises in those vehicles. Each Portsmouth car dealership will have a different preferred method of obtaining second hand cars – some will part exchange, some will buy from auction, some will prefer ex rental vehicles, some ex fleet, and some those from the general public. As a general rule ex rental and fleet vehicles will have seen higher mileage but be very well maintained and serviced, although you do get an occasional low mileage vehicle, usually in the higher end of the range belonging to an executive as a perk rather than a business needs vehicle.
Once you have determined which Portsmouth car dealership has the right vehicles to suit your needs, consider how you are going to get there. You will need to visit at least once in person to view and test drive the vehicle, and if buying second hand a test drive of the vehicle you are purchasing is essential. There will then be a delay while the car is prepared for you and paperwork is finalised, which is usually several days. Some dealerships will deliver the car to a convenient location for you, but some will require you to return to the dealership to collect your new car. If you have access to another vehicle and driver then this does not present an issue, however if you are needing to replace a damaged vehicle or have no additional driver then the viability of public transport to your chosen Portsmouth car dealership needs to be taken into account.
Look for reviews of your chosen dealership, and if possible look for reviews which are written after the owner has had the car for several months, or from individuals who had a problem. Look at whether the vehicles are consistently in good working order and remain so for several months, and also how the company resolves any issues – good customer service and ongoing support tend to indicate cars that are well serviced and maintained, and can be relied upon not to suffer major faults or issues soon after purchase.
Always go to the Portsmouth car dealership, inspect your chosen car and test drive it, never test drive a similar car unless you are purchasing a new vehicle. While part of the test drive is learning the quirks and features of the vehicle, it should also include a test that the car is running well and you are comfortable driving it. If the car isn’t right, or you can’t find a car you like in their stock then say no, walk away and try somewhere else.